Styrian Biodiesel Technology for Belgium

BDI-BioEnergy International, the biodiesel manufacturer from the Green Tech Valley, has commissioned its biggest waste-based biodiesel plant to date in Belgium. Over 115,000 tonnes of biodiesel will be produced annually from residual and waste materials. This is equivalent to the CO2-neutral operation of over 155,000 vehicles per annum.
© Cargill

The biggest contract in the company history

The plant is the third of this type to be installed by the Valley-based BDI company this year. The plant manufacturer received the order from the US company Cargill, which has its headquarters in Minnesota. It is one of the world’s leading food, feed and renewable resource trading companies with annual sales of nearly $135 billion. It currently employs over 155,000 people in 70 countries.

Revolutionary technology from the Green Tech Valley

The patented RepCAT technology gives notable energy savings and ensures maximum raw material flexibility resulting in more efficient biodiesel production. As a result, Cargill is able to make a key contribution to the decarbonisation of the European transport sector.


Andreas Pickl
BDI-BioEnergy International GmbH

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