Companies from the Green Tech Valley

Companies from the
Green Tech Valley

Styria and Carinthia form a special breeding ground for sustainable economic growth. Here, Green Tech pioneers collaborate with the world market leaders in renewable energy and the circular economy. Over 10 years, the 300 Green Tech Valley companies have been able to double their levels of employment and triple their sales turnover. The Valley brings together the expertise of 1000 entrepreneurs in one location. 20 global leaders in technology all lie within one hour’s drive.

Styria and Carinthia form a special breeding ground for sustainable economic growth. Here, Green Tech pioneers collaborate with the world market leaders in renewable energy and the circular economy. Over 10 years, the 300 Green Tech Valley companies have been able to double their levels of employment and triple their sales turnover. The Valley brings together the expertise of 1000 entrepreneurs in one location. 20 global leaders in technology all lie within one hour’s drive.



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