Your AMSC Windtec Wind Turbine Business

Electricity from wind is currently the most economically viable of renewable energy sources. To support this, AMSC’s Windtec Solutions include a host of wind turbine designs and engineering services as well as electronic controls and systems.

AMSC has licensed its highly efficient turbine designs across the globe. Licensing AMSC’s turbine designs offers maximum power per tower. Each Turbine is custom-made to meet market needs. All of our Windtec hardware and software can be used in turbines designed by AMSC, or any other designer. They are customized solutions for each turbine type.

Wind turbine OEMs must push the performance limits of their turbine designs in order to remain competitive and maximize wind park revenue potential. They need to extract optimal energy from the wind by enhancing turbine performance, increasing component lifetime and improving power quality. The industry is demanding a world-class power generation plant – guaranteeing high availability, enhanced durability and precision quality and control – so that every possible kilowatt-hour can be extracted from the wind.

AMSC’s smart control systems meet these challenges. Our Advance Hardware & Software Solutions help to lower the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) so that wind can compete more effectively with conventional power sources and customers can increase their return on investments. Whether you want an entire wind turbine control system or just individual system components, we have what it takes to complete your turbine power electronics and controls strategy.

Our Wind Turbine Controls and Systems provide higher availability, reliability and optimized energy output from your wind turbine, wherever your operations, whatever the conditions.

Feldkirchnerstrasse 138
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Wolfgang Srebotnig
Director Operations

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