Flexible Pre-insulated Pipe Systems

AUSTROFLEX develops and produces heating-, cooling- and insulation-solutions for building services and industry, as well as pre-insulated pipe systems for local and district heating, heat pumps, and solar thermal systems.

Flexible pre-insulated pipe systems:

Efficient heating networks are an important component in supplying new buildings with sustainable renewable energy sources for heating and cooling. Above all, this requires good piping systems. The use of top pre-insulated pipes can save up to 38% energy annually, which equals a CO2 saving of 14.82 t/km.

That is why Austroflex pre-insulated pipe systems are an excellent choice. They are characterized not only by their excellent thermal insulation but also by their high flexibility and long, maintenance-free product life. The lightweight and very flexible pipes can be laid easily and quickly, even over obstacles and in curves, resulting in additional cost and time savings.

In addition, the areas of application are diverse. The flexible pre-insulated pipe systems can be used not only for local and district heating and cooling networks but also heat pumps, cooling systems, biomass boilers, transportation of chemicals, and many more.

Finkensteiner Straße 7
9585 Gödersdorf-Villach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Christian Engel
Business Development Manager

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