Pilot plant: Infineon focuses on green hydrogen

The semiconductor company Infineon is looking to produce high-purity hydrogen from renewable energy in collaboration with Linde, the manufacturer of industrial gases. Construction of the demonstrator is scheduled to start at the beginning of next year. Using electricity generated from sustainable sources, the Carinthian site should be able to produce 800 kg of green hydrogen per day for process gas.
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Sustainable production through H2 from renewables

Under the increasing demand for microelectronic solutions – Infineon has just invested €1.6 bn in the construction of a new high-tech chip factory in Villach – the demand for the industrial gases and chemicals required in manufacture is also increasing. This includes high-purity hydrogen as a process gas, which up till now has been delivered by truck from Germany. Soon it will be produced at the production site itself. The required electrolysis plant comes from Linde. It produces and conditions the gas to make the industrial grade H2 available. Linde is also supplying a feed system for liquid hydrogen to ensure gas is available on demand, around the clock.

Supported by research partners from the Valley

The hydrogen plant is being promoted by Infineon and Linde as a flagship project, sponsored by the Climate and Energy Fund, in collaboration with VERBUND and research partners, HyCentA Research GmbH, the energy institute at Johannes Kepler University Linz and the showcase region WIVA P&G.

Second life potential for hydrogen

The process technology is new and unique in Europe and should also enable the hydrogen to be used twice in the future. Under the “H2Carinthia Kärnten” project, the state of Carinthia plans to produce and recycle green hydrogen from 2023 in collaboration with Infineon, Postbus, OMV, Linde Gas and scientific support from HyCentA Research GmbH.


Alexandra Wachschütz
Infineon Technologies Austria

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