First German cement plant to use CO2 separator from the Valley

Graz-based ANDRITZ AG is supplying the first CO2 capture system to be used in Germany for climate-neutral cement production. The initial pilot plant will capture two tonnes of carbon dioxide per day, which will be put to further use in the regional chemical industry. The plant is scheduled to come on stream by the end of June.

Two tonnes of CO2 removed from the air​

This is the quantity of carbon dioxide that will be filtered from the atmosphere per day by the ANDRITZ pilot plant being installed at the Rohrdorf cement works in Bavaria. This is achieved using the latest amine-based solvent scrubbing technology. And, according to the cement manufacturer, around 1800 litres of useful chemical by-products can be produced from this, which can be used, for example, as a feed stock for hygiene and pharmaceutical products as well as a variety of plastics. The objective of the pilot project is to pave the way for climate-neutral production. The total cost of the system amounts to some €3m.

Customised CO2 capture and utilisation

The plant has been specifically modified by ANDRITZ to meet the needs and specific characteristics of the Rohrdorf cement plant, in order to achieve optimum purity of carbon dioxide output, while at the same time extending the service life of the chemical solvent for the separation process. Planning for a second plant at the Rohrdorf location is already underway.


Michael Buchbauer

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