Florian Lugitsch KG

As energy experts, we take on energy supply and planning of electrical installations and operate as proven partners for trade and industry concerning control and automation technology.
As energy experts, we take on energy supply and planning of electrical installations and operate as proven partners for trade and industry concerning control and automation technology. Our services include: Control and automation: In the areas of waste separation, packaging and biogas facilities, we have been working for years now with freely-programmable control and automation technology Distribution boxes and panels: Planning, construction and installation of distributors for biogas and waste separation facilities as well as small hydroelectric power plant Photovoltaic: We plan, organise and install photovoltaic systems 

Florian Lugitsch KG

Gniebing 52a
8330 Feldbach, Österreich
Your Contact
Ing. Werner Lugitsch

This company is clusterpartner at

Florian Lugitsch KG

FurFrom garbage to gravel processing, from recycling to biogas plants, these tasks are a challenge for our automation specialists.ther


Florian Lugitsch KG

We cover all facets of electrical installation technology. Controls for alternative energy generation, waste separation and drives. LED lighting for municipalities and industry. Efficient building technology for homes and businesses.


Florian Lugitsch KG

From the system for the weekend cabin to the feed-in system with 200 kWp. Storage solutions and controls for consumers enable optimal use.


Florian Lugitsch KG

In the areas of waste separation, packaging and biogas facilities, we have been working for years now with freelyprogrammable control and automation technology


Automation technology
FurFrom garbage to gravel processing, from recycling to biogas plants, these tasks are a challenge for our automation specialists.ther
Gniebing 52a
8330 Feldbach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Heinz Strohmaier
Bereichsleiter Automitisierungstechnik
Electrical engineering
We cover all facets of electrical installation technology. Controls for alternative energy generation, waste separation and drives. LED lighting for municipalities and industry. Efficient building technology for homes and businesses.
Gniebing 52a
8330 Feldbach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Florian Lugitsch
Photovoltaic projects
From the system for the weekend cabin to the feed-in system with 200 kWp. Storage solutions and controls for consumers enable optimal use.
Gniebing 52a
8330 Feldbach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Florian Lugitsch
Control and automation
In the areas of waste separation, packaging and biogas facilities, we have been working for years now with freelyprogrammable control and automation technology
Gniebing 52a
8330 Feldbach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Florian Lugitsch

Florian Lugitsch KG

Planning, construction and installation of distributors for biogas and waste separation facilities as well as small hydroelectric power plants


Distributors for biogas and waste management facilities
Planning, construction and installation of distributors for biogas and waste separation facilities as well as small hydroelectric power plants
Gniebing 52a
8330 Feldbach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Florian Lugitsch

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