Carployee GmbH

The #1 ridesharing app for commuters Carployee is your ridesharing app for your daily commute to work
Carployee is a carpooling app for the daily commute to work. We increase the number of passengers per car and thus reduce the number of vehicles on our roads. By creating intelligent carpools, colleagues with similar routes are brought together.

Carployee GmbH

Peter-Behrens-Platz 9
4020 Linz, Österreich
Your Contact
Albert Vogl-Bader

This company is clusterpartner at

Carployee GmbH

Carployee is the most intelligent ridesharing app for the daily commute to work


Carployee GmbH

Pave Commute - The innovative commuter app for sustainable mobility and CO₂ reduction in the company.


Carployee is the most intelligent ridesharing app for the daily commute to work

Easy-to-go carpools for employees, whenever they want, wherever they want.

1. Use demo
Use the demo version and test the Carployee app to simulate the real potential for carpooling in your company.

2. Set up app
Choose company locations, reward options, launch date and receive your individual company code.

3. Start carpooling!
Carployee builds new mobility habits and adds measurable values ​​to companies and employees.

Riding together creates numerous benefits
for employees and your company.

Peter-Behrens-Platz 9
4020 Linz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Albert Vogl-Bader
Pave Commute App
Pave Commute - The innovative commuter app for sustainable mobility and CO₂ reduction in the company.
Pave Commute is more than just a commuting app - it's a pioneering solution that takes the pressure off employees while helping to reduce companies' CO₂ footprint. Whether walking, biking, using public transportation or carpooling, Pave Commute recommends and rewards sustainable commutes that are not only good for the environment, but also good for the company and the workforce. The benefits for companies: - Cost savings in parking infrastructure - Reduction of CO₂ emissions. - Healthy and satisfied employees - Automatic processing of journeys through the app - Detailed analysis of commuter data in the dashboard
Peter-Behrens-Platz 9
4020 Linz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Albert Vogl-Bader

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