Battery storage power plant: Giant batteries for Carinthia

In order to secure the power supply in Carinthia and make it more sustainable, the Valley company PIADENO® has now installed a giant battery consisting of modules from the US manufacturer Tesla in Klagenfurt. This is part of the battery storage power plant being built there. The capacity of the battery is high: Almost 200 households can be supplied with electricity.
© Green Tech Cluster

Largest battery storage plant goes online

There is currently nothing comparable. The large-scale battery in Austria’s southernmost province, which Tesla says “reliably and safely stores energy for the grid, making the use of peak-load gas-fired power plants unnecessary and helping to avoid power outages,” is the largest to date. PIADENO® has invested just under 2 million euros. The company exclusively holds the software license of the Slovenian technology partner and will manage several large-scale storage facilities in Austria in the future.

Further large-scale projects in planning

The Klagenfurt project is not only causing a stir in Carinthia. Several Austrian industrial companies have already expressed their interest. With some of them, the company is already in the planning phase for further battery projects.


Miha Kampus
PIADENO® Green Energy

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