AI certification: Global corporation relies on Valley expertise

To underpin and guarantee the security and reliability of its AI systems, the world’s leading goods testing group SGS has joined forces with the Graz Know-Center, the University of Graz and the Graz University of Technology. In collaboration they are developing efficient and independent test procedures and technologies for AI certification.
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360° certification for artificial intelligence

The Austrian government has just presented its strategy for applying artificial intelligence to the reduction of CO2. This sets out provisions for strict regulation of high-risk AI applications in particular. However, the planned regulation could overstretch companies and slow down the widespread application of AI to business. But, under the Trust your AI initiative, companies will now be able to gain support in the development of technically compliant and reliable AI-based products and systems.  In collaboration with SGS, this is being ensured by Styrian experts from Know-Center, the University of Graz and the Institute for Cybersecurity at Graz University of Technology. Thanks to the efforts of these experts, all the essential aspects for high quality and dependable AI (data, algorithms, cybersecurity, processes, ethics and law) can be taken into account.

Open for collaboration

Energie Steiermark AG, Leftshift One, NXP and Redwave are participating in the project with use cases. This initiative is open to additional partners from industry and research, who wish to collaborate on AI test methods. The extensive international partner network of the Know-Center will also ensure that the research is always at the cutting edge and that testing tools and methods are continuously developed.


Know-Center GmbH

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