The main focus of our environmental engineering department is to provide solutions for fresh water supply and sewage treatment and disposal plants. We offer complete sophisticated solutions for clients with energy supply systems.

Years of experience in handling environmental engineering projects enable us to provide high-quality planning of municipal and operational wastewater treatment plants and water supply facilities.

In environmental and cultural engineering, our spectrum ranges from the preparation of studies, concepts and cost estimates to planning, tendering, local construction supervision and auditing. In addition, we are also happy to take on the services required for the processing of funding or funding applications. The use of customised software ensures optimal project management: for the preparation of bills of quantities, cost calculations, invoicing of company services and project cost tracking, we rely on the construction database programme Auer Success, while an in-house developed sewer construction programme linked to AutoCAD is used for the project planning of sewer routes.

If required, our highly trained staff are happy to support municipalities and operators, for example by holding information events and informing citizens.

Impulszentrum 1
8250 Vorau, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Simone Spitzer

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