
The SurfaceCleaner-100 and the SC-water produced with it offer a sustainable, natural and non-chemical solution for the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces

SurfaceCleaner-100 produces a cleaning and disinfection solution that remains chemically stable for up to 45 weeks. The liquid, called SC Water, is produced via electrolysis with patented boron-doped diamond electrodes.

The method produces exactly the amount of SC Water currently needed, within seconds – safely and efficiently.

SC Water has a strong disinfecting effect on viruses and bacteria, tested in compliance with EN 1276 (European standard for bactericidal activity) and
EN 14476 (European standard for virucide activity), and it meets the biocide regulations (EU 528/2012).

SC Water is ideal for cleaning and disinfection: There is no need to add it to or mix it with any other cleaning product or auxiliary material.

​SC Water is 100% environmentally-friendly and safe for operators.

Parkring 1
8712 Niklasdorf, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Wolfgang Staber

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