REDWAVE mate - Artificial Intelligence & Digitalisation for monitoring and optimising of the complete recycling plant

Another step in the field of digitisation has been taken in the recycling industry to be able to offer customers the best possible transparency for their machines and systems. REDWAVE mate was developed to offer customers the best possible transparency of their machines and plants. The possibility to access or monitor and communicate with your systems and machines is given anytime, anywhere.

With REDWAVE mate, we have created artificially intelligent support that also helps you with operating a sorting plant or individual sorting machines as efficiently and profitably as possible.

How does REDWAVE mate support the system?
– Optimisation of the plant and sorting operations
– Sorting rates and final quality are improved and optimised with REDWAVE mate
– Increase in system availability and sorting efficiency
– Cross-platform monitoring of the material flows in the plant
– Individual data from the machines is compared, and recommendations for parameterisation are given
– Data for plant personnel. e.g. operations managers, is always available immediately
– Availability on all common mobile devices
– Data can be exported and further processed

a division of BT-Wolfgang Binder GmbH
8200 Eggersdorf bei Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Tobias Zirsch
Sales Engineer

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