Packnatur® cellulose net tube made from Lenzing Modal® beechwood fibre

Biodegradable net tubes made from Lenzing Modal® cellulose from the thinning of beech trees for organic fruit and vegetables in supermarkets. A world first, which has already earned itself several national and international awards.(

How we managed to conquer the international market with cellulose tube netting from Austria.
(And managed to make the world a slightly better place at the same time.)

We dream of sandcastles instead of rubbish heaps. We dream of birds soaring in the sky instead of plastic bags blown by the wind. We want to celebrate every step towards a more ecological lifestyle in today’s modern world. 30,000 tonnes of plastic netting are used every year in Europe and we wanted to give this netting a run for its money – if not replace it completely! This was the beginning of our Packnatur® Cellulose Tube Netting made from a beechwood-based material.

Anton-Mell-Weg 14
8053 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Bettina Reichl

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