Energy4buildings - Testing for energy efficiency’s own good

An innovative test stand optimizes heating and cooling with electrical and thermal powered heat pumps and chillers.

Forty percent of the energy consumed is consumed in buildings – that is more energy than the energy used in the industry. This poses a huge challenge for building technology professionals: they need to further increase the energy efficiency of buildings.

The University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (FH Burgenland) campus in Pinkafeld now launched an innovative test stand to help tackle the problem. The project “energy4buildings“ allows systems such as chillers or heat pumps to interact via simulation programs.

The measuring of energy flows allows optimizing individual devices by means of ever new simulation scenarios. Also, the interaction of systems such as heat pumps and chillers or the interaction of electricity produced by the building with power that comes from outside the system can be measured and optimized in several test runs.

Campus 1
7000 Eisenstadt, Österreich
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Werner Stutterecker

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