Energiecontracting GmbH Energiecontracting GmbH is an energy service provider, which in cooperation with local partners, erects and operates plants on the basis of renewable energy sources. In a nationwide network operates 48 locations for energy Energiecontracting GmbH is an energy service provider, which in cooperation with local partners, erects and operates plants on the basis of renewable energy sources. In a nationwide network with 100 partners operates 60 locations for energy generation and several locations for raw materials management in Austria. Energiecontracting GmbH

Gewerbering 14
8054 Seiersberg-Pirka, Österreich
Your Contact
Horst Striessnig

This company is clusterpartner at Energiecontracting GmbH

Operating biomass heating plants requires a high level of technical know-how and a great deal of administrative effort. Energiecontracting GmbH

Professional project management for the coordination of complex construction projects and the interlinking of competencies and experiences.


Operator software heidi
Operating biomass heating plants requires a high level of technical know-how and a great deal of administrative effort.

Operating biomass heating plants requires a high degree of technical know-how and great administrative commitment.

We as the operator network Energiecontracting GmbH know this from many years of experience.

Therefore, we have developed the heating plant data information system heidi:

heidi is a software for operators of biomass heating plants

heidi offers support for the technical and economic management.

heidi was developed by operators for operators!

heidi has a modular structure. This means that you can select the software modules you need to operate your heating plant as required.

Gewerbering 14
8054 Seiersberg-Pirka, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Horst Striessnig
Project development biomass
Professional project management for the coordination of complex construction projects and the interlinking of competencies and experiences.
Gewerbering 14
8054 Seiersberg-Pirka, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Horst Striessnig

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