Mayer Recycling GmbH

Mayer Recycling GmbH is an innovative private company that operates in the fields of waste, resource and environmental management.
The company Mayer Recycling GmbH is an innovative, private company which is active in the waste, environmental and resource management. The company was founded in 1958 and currently employs about 70 people (as of 2022). The main task of the company is the extraction of secondary raw materials as well as disposal logistics. The EIA-approved site has an annual waste processing capacity of 232,000 tons. The company offers innovative environmentally friendly disposal solutions for commercial, industrial and private customers. The main objective is to provide secondary raw materials for industry in the best quality, but also in appropriate quantity. This is to ensure that existing resources are conserved and the business location is strengthened. The continuous development of improvements or new treatment processes should also ensure this for the future and thus position the company sustainably on the waste, environmental and secondary raw materials market.

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Mayer Recycling GmbH

Murfeld 1
8770 St. Michael, Österreich
Your Contact
Andreas Säumel

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Mayer Recycling GmbH

The company provides logistic systems for all common types of waste management: refuse collection vehicles, skip lorries, container vehicles, walking floor vehicles and various custom-made devices.


Mayer Recycling GmbH

Our metal recycling plants produce secondary metal raw materials of high quality.


Mayer Recycling GmbH

Our modern waste treatment plants produce industrial substitute fuels of high quality


Waste management logistics
The company provides logistic systems for all common types of waste management: refuse collection vehicles, skip lorries, container vehicles, walking floor vehicles and various custom-made devices.

Our transports are carried out by a modern fleet of vehicles. We are able to transport all types of bulk goods and waste. Skip-loaders delivering and picking up vessels of capacities ranging from 7 m³ to 10 m³ as well as hooklifts travelling with vessels of capacities ranging from 14 m³ to 30 m³ are available. Refuse-derived fuels and secondary raw materials are transported in trailers. We can also provide you with a crane vehicle for easy disposal of tree and shrub cuttings, wood, scrap and much more.

Murfeld 1
8770 St. Michael, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Andreas Säumel
Treatment and recycling of ferrous metals
Our metal recycling plants produce secondary metal raw materials of high quality.

Iron scrap obtained from, say, domestic waste is very contaminated so that direct use in the metal works is not possible. However, we offer a solution right at our company site in St. Michael. The contaminated iron is processed here in our metal composite separation plant into high-quality shredder scrap. It will leave the site in high purity and quality and will then be delivered to foundries and metal works that use it, for example, for making water pipes (material recycling).

For this purpose, the contaminated scrap is shredded, sieved and separated from contaminants (like plastic films). Reliable high quality of the scrap, visual inspection and, if necessary, upgrading by trained and expert operating personnel is carried out at the end of processing.

Murfeld 1
8770 St. Michael, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Andreas Säumel
Waste treatment & production of substitute fuels
Our modern waste treatment plants produce industrial substitute fuels of high quality

Supplied domestic and commercial waste as well as bulky waste is processed in the mechanical splitting plant into refuse-derived fuels (RDF) for incineration and co-incineration plants. In this way, the energy content of the waste can be utilised, primary resources like coal and gas can be saved and CO2 emissions reduced.

The supplied material passes several processing steps in the production of high-quality and quality-assured refuse-derived fuels: Via crushing, screening and air separation of waste and the recovery of iron and non-ferrous metals by means of magnetic and eddy current technology, the input is cleaned of impurities and any recyclable materials are recovered. By further crushing the remaining waste, high-quality fuel is produced at the end of processing that can be provided to the industry in significant quantities.

Murfeld 1
8770 St. Michael, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Andreas Säumel

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