Greendrive Mobility GmbH

Greendrive Mobility GmbH is the operator of an Internet platform at In addition, various apps developed by Greendrive access this Internet platform.
Drive the change The intelligent mobility of the future. Greendrive is an Internet platform that intelligently links information and connects people. At the push of a button, users find out how and with which available means of transport they can most skilfully manage their journey. The problems are well known. Too many cars on the streets, lack of parking space, too high CO2 emissions, too high costs for drivers and companies, poor public transport connections. And yet, the resource "car" has been used too poorly so far. In Austria, more than 2 million people commute to work every day, most of them by car alone. On average, there are only 1.3 people in the car - which in turn means that 3 seats remain unused. A rethinking of mobility issues is absolutely necessary! From the conventional carpooling to a mobility solution suitable for everyday use. Car-sharing agencies are experiencing a real boom. The largest provider on the European market alone already arranged 1 million rides per month in 2011. Greendrive takes advantage of the benefits of this concept - such as reduced travel costs for drivers and passengers, contribution to a better environment, supplement to the public transport network and more comfortable or faster travel - and makes it suitable for commuters in everyday life. However, traditional car-sharing agencies on the Internet have proven to be unsuitable for this market, as they can only arrange trips where the driver's and passenger's starting point and destination are exactly the same. In addition, they are too inflexible to take into account new working time models such as flexitime, as the trips/journeys must be planned at least a few days in advance. Greendrive solves this challenge technically by using "Dynamic Ridesharing" and is therefore particularly suitable for the often spontaneous journeys of commuters. Dynamic Ridesharing" refers to systems that combine three recent (technical) developments: GPS navigation, smartphones and social networks. Via internet-enabled smartphones it is possible to arrange spontaneous carpools. Using a sophisticated algorithm - similar to the one used in navigation devices - the routes are optimized in such a way that the deviation from the driver's originally planned route is minimized. The calculation is address exact, so that even short distances of about 10 km and more can be served well. This results in a completely new business model and service, which is particularly suitable not only for journeys from A (e.g. Graz) to B (e.g. Vienna), but especially for the often spontaneous journeys of commuters. The driver can immediately see how much detour he/she has to take to give someone a lift. Greendrive can be used via app or web browser and thus brings carpooling to the web and cell phone. As a carpooling agency 2.0 the service offers many new features, such as the calculation of the detour a driver has to take or the input of serial appointments especially for commuters. On one can register oneself free of charge and divide immediately journeys and/or find Mitfahrgelegenheiten. Greendrive is not only a great alternative for the end user, Greendrive is also the (mobility) solution for companies, clusters or regions with a high level of commuting. It arranges carpools, calculates detours, the cheapest routes and creates mobility reports for companies and regions. Greendrive is tailored and implemented exactly to the needs of the company. An optimized service is offered to coordinate the commuters' journey to work. Through an internal company group, employees with similar arrival/departure routes can form regular car pools and also handle spontaneous journeys well. The primary motives for introducing Greendrive are: Reduction of CO2 emissions, cost reduction for employees, lack of parking space and poor accessibility. By promoting carpooling, Greendrive makes a significant contribution to climate protection in Austria.

Greendrive Mobility GmbH

Reininghausstraße 13a
8020 Graz, Österreich
Your Contact
Jonathan Gutschi

This company is clusterpartner at

Greendrive Mobility GmbH

Greendrive is a platform for car pooling that can be used via an app / web browser. At the push of a button, users can find out how and with which available means of transport they can best navigate their way.


Greendrive Mobility GmbH

The mobility behavior of your employees is recorded by means of a survey. In a personal conversation, we will then show you the savings potential through the introduction of various corporate mobility management measures.


Greendrive - car pooling platform
Greendrive is a platform for car pooling that can be used via an app / web browser. At the push of a button, users can find out how and with which available means of transport they can best navigate their way.

Drive smart – drive green, and share your costs. Sharing your car is also really fun!

– You have a car? – Offer free seats on journeys
– No car? – Save time and find rides quickly

The premium package for companies:
Your own group
+ Company is shown as a group
+ Easy addition of employees via invitation link
+ Carpooling can be limited to group members only
+ Several meeting points (company locations) can be stored as addresses
+ Automatic recognition of a journey to / from the company

Reininghausstraße 13a
8020 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Jonathan Gutschi
Mobility study
The mobility behavior of your employees is recorded by means of a survey. In a personal conversation, we will then show you the savings potential through the introduction of various corporate mobility management measures.

Why your company needs a mobility analysis …

Better time management.
More efficient use of resources in times of congestion and delays reduces stress and minimises time loss.

Image gain.
Environmentally conscious and resource-saving actions mean added value for companies, which can be further enhanced with awards and certificates.

Promoting the health of employees.
Alternative means of transport to the car increase well-being and reduce sick leave.

Reininghausstraße 13a
8020 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Jonathan Gutschi

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