Materials Center Leoben

Materials Center Leoben (MCL) supports numerous companies in the production sector developing high-performance materials, manufacturing processes and products.
Materials Center Leoben (MCL) supports numerous companies in the production sector developing high-performance materials, manufacturing processes and products. MCL designs specific computer aided technologies in order to accelerate innovation processes in manufacturing companies as well as to support the digitalization of the value chain and products. Our portfolio includes cooperative research and development projects with international and national partners from the production and research sectors as well as several consulting, laboratory and simulation services in materials science. MCL specializes in materials, their manufacturing and processing procedures, and innovative applications. MCL's application, research and service focus is on steel and various metals as well as non-metals, on tools and on microelectronics.

Materials Center Leoben

Roseggerstraße 12
8700 Leoben, Österreich
Your Contact
Werner Ecker

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Materials Center Leoben

Material and process solutions for circular economy and green technologies. Characterization of materials and components,determination of material properties, creation of material models, FE simulations, failure analyses and material consulting.


Material research and materials expertise as a service
Material and process solutions for circular economy and green technologies. Characterization of materials and components,determination of material properties, creation of material models, FE simulations, failure analyses and material consulting.
The MCL's core service offerings include the characterisation of materials and components in terms of their structure and microstructure, the determination of mechanical and physical properties of materials, the development of material models as well as the performance of finite element simulations. Damage analysis and advice on the choice of materials complete the services on offer. The MCL's key advantages lie in the combination of experimental laboratory analysis with calculations and simulations, state-of-the-art technical facilities and wide-ranging specialist knowledge of the most diverse range of materials. The MCL has the expertise and experience required to provide scientifically sound results as well as targeted support in practical material and product development. The technical facilities, together with its theoretical and practical expertise, make Leoben's research center a flexible professional partner for research and development in the fields of materials engineering, process technology, quality assurance and component design. The MCL offers a variety of state-of-the-art laboratory analyses and complex services such as damage analyses or materials advice as well as materials, components and process simulations.
Roseggerstraße 12
8700 Leoben, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Stefan Marsoner
Bereichsleiter interne und externe Services

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