Alginsulate Foam made from sea algae

Process for the production of a biodegradable foam material based on algae developed in cooperation with the Institute for Process - and Particle Engineering at Graz University of Technology up to pilot scale.

Seaweed is a self-generating raw material, characterised by rapid growth, which is available in unlimited supply.In association with Graz University of Technology, we have developed a new process for producing environmentally friendly foams. The key benefits of the manufacturing process are its simplicity and the need for little equipment. Research findings have shown that the seaweed needed for this process is readily available throughout the world.

No environmentally harmful substances are released at any stage of the production process. Nothing but air is used tocreate the foam properties of Alginsulatefoam. Foamed seaweed pulp is insoluble in water, as well as being light and compostable. Production can be carried on small, local sites and requires a low level of investment. Alginsulate foam is extremely versatile. Besides being used in the field of packaging, this environmentally friendly material can also be used as insulation in the construction industry and –because of its flame-retarding properties –offers a whole range of other technical applications. The project, which is a collaborative initiative between the Institute of Process and Particle Engineering at Graz University of Technology and the Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile, received a subsidy from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The road ahead will see progress with technological development, especially with regards to modifying the process, optimising product properties and shaping the foam.

Anton-Mell-Weg 14
8053 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Bettina Reichl

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