HBT Energietechnik GmbH

Whether traditional PV facilities or innovative, patented products: Elegant and modern design is just as important to us as innovative technology and a high degree of functionality.
WE’RE PERFECTIONISTS. IDEALISTS. INVENTORS. FOREVER TINKERING WITH PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES, ALWAYS ON THE LOOKOUT FOR BETTER WAYS. Our solutions are characterized by the HBT VALUES: - extraordinary and sleek design: Turning visions of the future into reality with courage and expertise. Only our look beyond the horizon encourages developments discoveries possible that lead to outstanding designs – from functional to luxurious. - zero emission environment: Modern infrastructure only means progress when its goal, its form and its requirements respect nature. Our work at HBT reflects a deep understanding of the responsibility we share for our society, for mankind and for the earth in total’s achievements. We want to contribute that our world is one we can live in - now and in the future. - problem solving competence: It's a demanding world. Focused basic research, cutting edge technologies and clear product orientation are requirements for global competitiveness. In multi-disciplinary teams, HBT offers expertise, creativity, innovative thinking and effective project management as support for professional solutions with high practical usage. - customer orientation: Our performance can be measured by the success of our customers. True understanding of the customer and his needs combined with experience and a global view allows us to create innovative solutions. Expertly conceived, uniquely tailored and efficiently carried out that’s what our products have to be.

HBT Energietechnik GmbH

Bundesstraße 10
8833 Teufenbach-Katsch, Österreich
Your Contact
Christian Gurnig

This company is clusterpartner at

HBT Energietechnik GmbH

The CUBOX is a mobile and individually designable energy pavilion which generates ist own electricity by the use of integrated solar panels. The CUBOX may have different sizes and stores the energy obtained in high-performance batteries.


CUBOX - mobile solar kiosk
The CUBOX is a mobile and individually designable energy pavilion which generates ist own electricity by the use of integrated solar panels. The CUBOX may have different sizes and stores the energy obtained in high-performance batteries.

The photovoltaic modules on the roof of the CUBOX and the side flaps generate solar power. Powerful batteries store the energy and offer maximum independence and sustainability. The CUBOX is extremely easy to transport and can be set up practically anywhere there is sun and space – mobile and self-sufficient.

Bundesstraße 10
8833 Teufenbach-Katsch, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Christian Gurnig

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